Hello all,
I am trying to create web service methods using the free axis web
service stub generators.
I have been able to generate the C stub source. I have been able to
compile the C stubs into objects in my library (in mikebnd binding
directory). I placed the required axis objects into the
qxmltools/qxmlbnd binding directory. I have created a test program to
only create the web service stub and destroy the stub (see code below).
H OPTION(*NoDebugIO:*srcstmt)
H dftactgrp(*no)
D get_GatewaySoap_stub...
D PR 10i 0
D url * const Options(*string)
D destroy_GatewaySoap_stub...
D handle 10i 0 const
D phandle S 10i 0
D pUrl S 256 based(url)
pUrl = '
pHandle = get_GatewaySoap_stub(pUrl);
*inlr = *on;
When I compile this test program I get the following error:
Definition not found for symbol '__memset'.
Cause . . . . . : No definition was found for reference __memset in
object EODELE in library MIKELIB. The definition either does not exist
or is
not of the same data or procedure type as the reference.
Recovery . . . : Try the Create Program (CRTPGM) command again,
an object that contains a definition for symbol __memset.
From what I have seen, the __memset is a raw MI function that is not
compiled and there is no object to bind to. I do not get this error on
other MI functions (my guess because raw MI functions begin with __ and
many of these are being utilized in the c stubs)
Fyi - we are on v5r3
Does anyone have information on how to solve this problem?
Michael J. Fasnacht
Michael J. Fasnacht
Director of Data Communications
and iSeries Development
PH. 507 625-0481
FAX 507 625-8937
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