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From: albartell

Remember, EGL requires NO knowledge of Java and NO knowledge of HTML.

I find that hard to believe, but then again you have used it and I have

Then I suggest you try it <grin>.

What happens when it breaks? What happens when you get a Javascript error
that the EGL code generator wasn't able to create appropriately?

What happens if there's an error in CGIDEV2? Better yet, what happens when
a .NET module doesn't work? When you use a tool and you don't know the
underlying technology, you're opening yourself up. That's why I insist on
base JSP and RPG back end -- I have control over every line of code.

Remember, I'm presenting EGL as an option for those programmers that are
incapable of learning basic Java skills. As I've said over and over, I
think there are very few of those, but others disagree.

Do you
ever need, or maybe better stated, does EGL ever allow you to go in and
slightly modify the code (i.e. HTML/Javascript/CSS)?

Absolutely. EGL is a generator. It generates a basic JSF page and then
generates the EGL code to support it (not unlike VB.NET). You can then use
all the power of the WYSIWYG JSF editor to do whatever you want to the
generated page. Obviously, if you start making major changes (such as
renaming fields or whatnot) without knowing what you're doing you will have
problems. But the tool will definitely grow with you as your skills grow.


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