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Wow. I didn't know %trim() had a second parm either (I don't believe I
voted for that one:-).

Barbara, I would love to see what is on the horizon for RPG (both at the BIF
level and 5 year outlook), even if we don't get to vote. On that note I can
also guarantee that I will comment on the list :-)

Question: Is there anyway the community can assist with the next
generations of RPG? I know the compiler isn't open source, but I am sure
there is some thought that needs to go into the major language changes to
ensure it doesn't affect other areas. The one thing I have on my mind a lot
late is the purely cosmetic change to 100% free form. This opens the door
to attract younger/new talent to the language. Next would be to give it a
solid web and/or thick client _native_ framework - man, that would rock.

Dreaming statement of the year: What would RPG be like if it was made to be
"governed open source" (think of how Java was just open sourced**).
Dreaming I know, but I like to dream in color:-)

** http://www.sun.com/software/opensource/java/project_overview.jsp

Aaron Bartell

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