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Dennis Rootes wrote:
7. Help! Boss wants to know why ILE? (DennisRootes)

It's not that the boss wants to stop us from using ILE, she just wants to
know what makes it so much better than plain 'ol RPG IV that she should
invest the man hours it's going to take to bring our whole dept up to
speed on ILE. And I just am not coming up with anything that's very


It should be clear by now that if you are in fact writing/compiling/running RPG IV programs, then you are already involved with ILE.

But perhaps the implications of that aren't clear.

If your boss is saying that there needs to be justification for learning ILE, IMO the fundamental justification is simply that your staff blasted well _better_ know a good deal about the environment that's being used.

Simply because no one explicitly manages activation groups, for example, doesn't mean that activation groups are not part of every job you guys create. Plenty of PTFs have been created that relate to activation groups and some of those are about _default_ activation groups. Numerous other aspects exist.

Simply because no one explicitly prototypes procedures, does not mean that procedures are _not_ being called during perhaps every CPU second that elapses on your system. Check a few error messages in a joblog to see how many of them are sent to a procedure.

The simple point is that ILE is effectively involved whether the staff is trained in it or not. When problems arise, they'll be better equipped to handle them if they recognize what they're looking at. It's better to have background before it's needed.

Tom Liotta

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