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"Right now I am not convinced that my code would be "safe" without a license
agreement because it sounds like there ARE some ways to decompile or somehow
reveal the contents of a program."

As long as you use RPG IV Aaron you're pretty darned safe.

Although during the Y2K fiasco a number of the source recovery companies
claimed to have an RPG IV service I have never seen anything come from it.
Resurrecting source from an RPG400 program is expensive enough to act as a
deterrent.  Doing so from an RPG IV program is likely prohibitively so in
the absence of commercial tools to do so.

If that's not reassuring enough, you can remove debug capability while
maintaining the ability to re-encapsulate the program (and you want to be
sure to enable that) and also optimize the code.  If it the end of all that
they still want the code - good luck to them.  It will be truly horrible -
probably completely unmaintainable - that should be punishment enough for

Jon Paris


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