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So in essence, you can have 2 completely different products, their model
numbers being  1). RA12 for a radio, and 2). R126 being a widget, neither
one related to the other. However, what you are looking for is that RA12,
RA12W, RA12B, RAetcetcetc are in one group, but the R126, R126W, R126B are
in another group, correct.
Sorry if I seem pedantic in what I am looking for, but I am in the middle
of a project that is somewhat similar., so I am going through the same
thought process in the way I worked my project out.
Any way, can the family of widgets R126, include any model numbers that
begin with more than 1 character - RG126 for example?

Alan Shore

(631) 244-2000 ext. 5019

             Sent by:                                                   To
             rpg400-l-bounces@         rpg400-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx           
             midrange.com                                               cc
             06/01/2006 03:43                                          
             Please respond to                                         
              RPG programming                                          
              on the AS400 /                                           

the smallest size of the first node is 1.
there are also BE-nn, there are many w/ this dash.
There is T82483. There are some that start w/ numerals, that are not part
of this subfile; at this time.

Most are 2 characters, numbers.

Unfortunately this is informally policed, how the users come up w/ model

I was actually thinking that I may have the time to work in a relation
field between the products. Not sure if this is a great idea or not.


Steve - are you saying that RA12, RAB12, RABC12 belong to one group? If
so, would that mean that the "RA" & "12" have to be in the model number
(but NOT necessarily conjoined)? I f that is also correct, what is the
smallest size of the first node? In your example, that would be 2 (RA)?
Could you give a COUPLE of examples of what model numbers would be deemed
as groups?

Alan Shore

(631) 244-2000 ext. 5019

Alan Shore

(631) 244-2000 ext. 5019

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