× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> You might also try the EXTFILE keyword on the file description spec. The 
> value can be a variable name so you can set it at run time depending on your 
> parameter.

An easy way to do this is using "USROPN" and a variable in extfile. To 
> compile the system will use the name from 7-14, when you run the program you 
> can set the variable to any file (with the same format) and all chain, read, 
> eof, update, etc. will be using the file that you opened, not the one from 
> the compile. 

The problem with these approaches is that the file is external, so I think 
they wont work (I believe EXTFILE can't be used with externally described 
files, or so I read in the spec)

One simplistic solution would be to simply use %EOF rather than 
> %EOF(filename) since I believe that that will check the last result from any 
> file.

This wont work because there are further file access within the dow.
The thing goes:
dow not %EOF(ALFDEALHP);
// stuff
exsr ForEachRecord;
reade(e) Search ALFDEALHP;

begsr ForEachRecord;
// stuff
chain Search2 OTHERFILE;
// do more stuff

So I worry that if I do simply "dow %EOF" (which would be otherwise pretty 
enough) it'd get confused because of the chain op over OTHERFILE.

Using OVRDBF as suggested by Paul looks like the most promising solution. I 
am still so fresh about this 400 that it might take me a little while to 
understand how to use (I understand the command syntax, but I don't have 
very clear where & when I have to issue the command.

And I never used embedded SQL, so besides the reluctance of just throwing it 
in, I have to see if it doesn't involve changing much of the program logic.

All in all, very helpful ideas. I'll try to make it work with one of them.



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