× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

We print invoice numbers and amounts on our remittance slips in a barcode so
that the A/R reps can scan them into the 5250 screen when they process the

The tricky bit has always been getting the cursor to move on to the next
field, which we resolved by printing an extra character such as a plus sign,
then setting up the users' Iseries Access keyboard mapping to associate the
plus sign with the field exit function.  

Now we've got another barcode we want to print and have it hit the enter
button when the scan is done.  It seems like I ought to be able to do this
without keyboard mapping or scan-gun suffixes.  Shouldn't I be able to
simply include a CR/LF character in the print-file output?  

This doesn't seem to work when I try it.  The barcode prints, but when I
scan it into notepad, all I get is the text.  The cursor doesn't move to the
next line.  Also, the barcode prints identical whether I include the CR and
LF characters or not, so I don't think those characters are being
represented at all.  

Here's what I'm doing:


A          R DETAIL                                         
A            STINKFOOT     15   O    15BARCODE(CODE128)     

RPG Code:

D #CR             C                   CONST(X'0D') 
D #LF             C                   CONST(X'15') 
  STINKFOOT = '123456789' + #CR + #LF;             
  Write Detail;                                    
  *INlr = *ON;                                     

Any ideas ?


Greg Fleming

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