× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

> From: Bob Cozzi
> Is it just me or did Rochester create a monster when they did
> Groups and the supporting systems attempted to support them as well as
> ILE?

Activation groups are an elegant way to segregate the program stack,
allowing application sophistication above and beyond any other operating
system, such as the ability to abnormally end a single layer of the
application without taking down the entire job.  It's genius, if you ask

And while the concept is complex and difficult to achieve, in their
inimitable and generally under-appreciated way, the compiler folks have
designed it in such a way that even someone who doesn't take the time to
RTFM can still take advantage of the capabilities without shooting
themselves in the foot.

Yes, if you want to use the advanced features of the system you may have
to accept some learning curve.  But you don't even have to do THAT in
one gulp.  Just applying a simple technique of ACTGRP(*NEW) and
ACTGRP(*CALLER) can provide great benefits.  The advanced capabilities
take a little more work, but they're worth it.

> This system used to be the easiest system in the world to program
> (granted programming on it was a bit ancient and continues to be) and
> other
> systems while more complicated and difficult to use were harder to
> for but easier to program _on_.
> Oh well, maybe I should start writing shareware for the Palm Pilot.

You're right in that the iSeries is by far the most sophisticated
operating system ever designed for general business use.  It continues
to grow in sophistication daily.

However, unlike other OS's, even those of us who don't learn can still
use our old techniques.  If you want "easy", you can still program RPG
II if you.  But if you want easy, don't blame the OS for growing beyond

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