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You're first question isn't worded right.
I think you mean "Can I sort a data structure array using one of its
subfields as a key, using SORTA?"  
-Answer: NO

Your second question for a faster CLEAR opcode is a good one. At fist glance
someone might suggest moving *BLANK or *ALLX'00' into the entire data
structure. But that's probably not a good idea when you have character and
numeric subfields in the same data structure.

A faster way might be to create a second data structure and simply move it
into the one being cleared. If I remember right, CLEAR moves *BLANKS and
*ZEROS (metaphorically speaking) into each subfield individually. Hence the
lengthy CLEAR time.

If you do this:

D MYDS          DS           INZ  DIM(5000)
D  sf1                  7P0
D  sf2                 10A

D clearDS       DS           LIKEDS(MYDS) INZ

C           eval   MYDS(1) = ClearDS

It could be "faster" for an individual element. 

I don't know if MOVE works with data structure arrays when it comes to MOVE
REPEAT, as follows:

 C           MOVE    ClearDS      MYDS

But if it does, then you can clear a little faster than the individual
subfield clears that occur with the CLEAR opcode.

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of mikesoucy1262@xxxxxxxx
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 1:01 PM
To: RPG400-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Questions about DS arrays

I have a couple of questions about data structure arrays.

1.  Can an individual field within a data structure array be sorted using
the BIF %SUBARR and the SORTA op code?

2.  What is the best way to clear or initialize a large data structure array
(over 5000 elements)?  I have found that using the CLEAR opcode takes a long


Mike Soucy

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