× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

--- "Bartell, Aaron L. (TC)" <ALBartell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> LOL!  Yeah, it took me about 3 hours to come up with a good name.  You
> wouldn't believe how many names are already taken.  It was a Saturday and I
> was supposed to be mowing my lawn but instead I was inside programming and
> all I could think of was my neighbor yelling at me "Mow Your Lawn!!"  I
> realized there could be no better name for my site:-)

That was along the lines of what I was imagining.  <g>

> >Is this an open-source project?
> Yeah, but I am finding that doesn't mean a whole lot.  Of the other two open
> source projects I have out there (RPGMail and RPG XML Parser) I have pretty
> much gotten zero help from the outside world.  It would be nice if I could
> get some help, <snip>

FWIW, all of the open-source stuff I've seen is (way) over my head.  I suspect 
might be true for most AS/400 programmers.  Additionally, when it comes to XML, 
believe most AS/400 shops aren't "thinking outside of the box".  So, XML's 
may not be readily apparent to most of the community.  If you look at another
AS/400-based open source project, Linux5250, that seems to have quite a bit of
participation.  I looked at that one, too, awhile back, but I was limited to 
what they offered.

> If you have specific requirements for a tool like DB2XML please email them
> to DB2XML@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I will work them in as best I can.  As of
> right now my requirements list is based on what I think should be in it so
> it might be kinda narrow minded:-)
> Does anybody else see a need for this in their company?  One obvious
> advantage is that you can get at any remote or local database via XML.  It
> could save you from writing a ton of web services to output file
> information.

When I saw the example, I thought of the remote clients that we support and how 
of them do not have DBU or a similar file utility.  So, I see alot of potential
there.  I've only been here a few weeks now, still getting my feet wet, but I 
one of my colleagues has been working on some of the bleeding edge stuff <g> 
CGI in RPG, so I threw your web site at him ("Huh? Mow your lawn?" "Trust me")  
didn't have a lot of time to discuss the potential applications with him (that 
come later), but he read through the whole db2xml page.

One question:  Is the XML output going to be limited to 32K?  (I.e.:
   D xml            S          32767A    )               


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