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It looks like you're two data structures are identical in layout, never mind
the field names. If they are, why not just copy one DS to the other?
Not sure what you're getting at... if you really want to "unpack" a value
with its positions determined at runtime, you can use something like the
NumToZoned or NumToNum procedures in my RPG ToolKit. That's whay they do,
allow you to unpack a value given a location in an input buffer.
There is no "MOVE CORRESPONDING" in RPG IV like we have in COBOL. So if the
subfield locations of your data structures is different, you're SOL; even if
you use QUALIFIED.

Bob Cozzi
Cozzi Consulting

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Mark Allen
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 1:02 PM
To: 'RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries'
Cc: buck.calabro@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Flat file, same field, different positions

AHHHH, the infamous raw toll file!!!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:rpg400-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Buck Calabro
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 1:21 PM
To: RPG programming on the AS400 / iSeries
Subject: Flat file, same field, different positions

I have an EDI-like flat file where I have standard data elements which
occur in different places depending on the record type.  The fields are
all packed.  The existing implementation simply maps them all into one
set of I specs in RPG III, and has IGNDECERR(*YES) set.

Iflatfile  NS  02   22 C                          
I          OR  01                                 
I                             P   31   31 0SEA500 
I                             P   40   40 0SEA625 
I                             P   46   46 0SEA364 
I                             P   30   30 0SEAUSF 

There are dozens of fields on each record type.  I'm doing maintenance
and want to make this RPG IV so I can use reasonable names, etc.
Unfortunately, I need to use FIXNBR(*ZONED *INPUTPACKED) in order for it
to run as-is. This generates tens of thousands of messages in the job
log as each 'invalid' number is 'fixed'.  Understand that for a 500
record type, the program only references the 500 fields.

I want something like:
     d struc0001       ds                  
     d  sensType                      3p 0
     d  sensID                        7p 0
     d  roType                        3p 0
     d  roID                          7p 0

     d struc0360       ds                  
     d  sensType                      3p 0
     d  sensID                        7p 0
     d  roType                        3p 0
     d  roID                          7p 0

But that won't compile because the same field is in a different DS.  I
could use qualified, but as far as the calculations go, eval
sensType=sensType0001 isn't much different from eval
sensType=struc0001.sensType.  I still have to copy all the fields by
hand as it were.

I have two goals:
1) I don't want to use FIXNBR; so I'm separating the fields 
   into separate structures
2) I'd rather use one set of names to describe the same fields;
   not SEA500, SEA625, SEA364, but SEA.

Since the input data is packed, I can't readily use the old standby I
specs because I can't specify the hex codes needed to recognise the
packed fields. I'm stuck, aren't I?  It gets worse when having to
support this back to V4R5.  Just thought I'd post a tale of woe on a
rainy Northeast US Friday.
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