× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I'm trying to roll through a file and create a summary file, then delete the 
record (row) I just read.  I'm wondering if I need to do the delete separately 
because it's getting some weird output!

If I comment out the delete code, it creates my summary file just fine.  When I 
open the delete code back up it doesn't create the summary file or do the 

I'm compiling with:

COMMIT         *NONE      

Here's the snippets:

 * select records                                                
c/exec sql                                                       
c+ declare c1 cursor for                                         
c+ select * from canfil/edislsfc                                 
c+    where  wksea = '8' and wkend <= :purgeDate#                
c+    order by wksol, wkcstj, wksty                              
 * open cursor                                                   
c/exec sql                                                       
c+ open c1                                                       
 * fetch cursor                                                  
c/exec sql                                                       
c+ fetch c1 into :ediSales                                       
c                   dow       sqlcod >= 0  and  sqlcod <> 100    

write or update to the summary file here

c/exec sql                                    
c+ delete from canfil/edislsfc                
c+   where current of c1                      
 * fetch cursor                               
c/exec sql                                    
c+ fetch next from c1 into :ediSales                    
c                   enddo                     
 * close cursor                               
c/exec sql                                    
c+ close c1                                   
 * close cursor                               
c/exec sql                                    
c+ set option closqlcsr = *endmod             
c                   eval      *inlr = *on     

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