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Take a look at http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/xml4rpg. If you use the 
example that inserts data, you'll need take a look at 
 which is a white paper describing how it works.

I will warn you that the above example isn't the easiest thing to understand at 
first since it is a ported Java app. I had to run it in debug a bunch of times 
and use the white paper as a reference to figure it out. Once you get the hang 
of it, it's really not all that bad.

If you decide to use this as a basis for a real program, there's a few 
variables that are ALLOC'd and not DEALLOC'd which will cause it to crash 
intermittently if you call it in a loop. Also, the vector stuff in the example 
only returns the first 50 characters of an XML path. The source for it is there 
so you can bump it up to whatever you like.

I did use this example as a basis for a program we're using now and I was able 
to get it to process about 5mb of XML in about 10 seconds during testing on the 
620 we had at the time.


-----Original Message-----
From: York, Albert [mailto:albert.york@nissan-usa.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 2:10 PM
To: 'RPG mailing list'
Subject: XML parser

Does anyone have an example of an RPG  program that does XML parsing that
they would be willing to share?


Albert York                          
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