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Can you show an example of the code from the stored procedure.

Cary Phillips

-----Original Message-----
    From: "MWalter@hanoverwire.com"<MWalter@hanoverwire.com>
    Sent: 11/20/02 1:55:58 PM
    To: "rpg400-l@midrange.com"<rpg400-l@midrange.com>
    Subject: Embedded SQL

    Hello all,

    I have a stored Procedure that when the SQL statement that is executed in
    the SP, I get a 26501 but when I copy the same stored procedure to
    interactive SQL, It runs fine. Here is the statement that is being

     SELECT a.trndt,a.invnr,c.cusnm, c.cusa1,c.cusa2,c.cusa3,d.trmdes,a.invnr,
    c.stacd FROM Openar a JOIN
      Oehhst c ON a.invnr = c.invno JOIN Terms d ON c.trmcde = d.trmcde JOIN
    Custmast e ON a.cusno = e.cusno
     WHERE a.trtyp = 1 AND c.ordtyp NOT IN('CCA','CCR') AND a.cusno IN
    (206800,99999999) AND a.trndt
     BETWEEN 1020929 AND 1021026 ORDER BY cusnm,invnr

    For testing, I just print it to a spooled file. The dates and customer
    number clause are passed in as parameters.What I then did was copy the text
    from the spooled file to STRSQL and it ran fine.

    I'm preparing the statement and declaring a cursor on the prepared
    statement. Then checking the SQLSTT after the OPEN.



    Mark Walter
    Sr. Programmer/Analyst
    Hanover Wire Cloth a div of CCX, Inc.
    717.637.3795 Ext.3040
    \ /
    / \

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