× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I'm pleased to mention that I've _FINALLY_ been given permission to conduct
a series of training session with our local staff.  I'm trying really hard
to stay out of ILE for now, but that's the ultimate goal.  We had our first
session earlier this week, and I see a LOT of interest from most of the
coders here.  Note that I'm not a professional trainer; I'm a little out of
my league here, but still grateful for the chance to bring the others up to

IMO, the real problem for most of the folks here is finding good example
code to use as training examples.  The lists have really brought me along,
but most coders here have neither the time or inclination to dig through the
piles of email to find these little gems.  Fine, leave it to me then.  I'll
start the ball rolling and see if I can build INTEREST in the technology.

It's amazing to watch the light come on.  When they SEE for themselves the
advantages of modular design and modern coding technique, their whole
attitude changes.  The biggest hurdle is getting them interested in learning

BTW, if anyone has a basic outline of topics I should cover, I'd really
appreciate a copy.  I really want these sessions to be a benefit for our
staff.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

Eric DeLong
Sally Beauty Company
MIS-Sr. Programmer/Analyst
940-898-7863 or ext. 1863

-----Original Message-----
From: Buck Calabro [mailto:Buck.Calabro@commsoft.net]
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2002 12:25 PM
To: rpg400-l@midrange.com
Subject: RE: Why we don't use procedures more (was MOVE opcode in
freeform /strange behavior w/%editc)

Bob said:

>This is stuff you should be doing on your own,
>even with your own money.
>It is the right thing to do.


Most certainly I never had a job where the boss said "Hey, don't worry about
the deadlines, take a week or so and go tinker."  It took me 23 years to
make it to Common!

I am... let's politely say 'well seasoned,' starting on card equipment.  I
have no university education.  I learnt literally  e v e r y  thing I know
by myself, and virtually all on my own time.  I have a library of books
bought with my own after tax dollars - and not all AS/400 books either.
K&R, Knuth, etc. as well as our friends in the midrange world.  I have an
account on one of the timeshare machines to play on.  I use Code/400 and
before that Picante's Flex and before that Brief.  All paid for by me.

If I don't keep my skills current, what choices will I have for work next
year?  In 1978, I could run a 1403 blindfolded (I was GOOD!)  If I merely
maintained my awesome 1403 talent I'd be out of work, as the 1403's are
almost all gone.

I have a family, house, etc., etc., etc.  I value my ability to feed my
family, so I make time to keep up.  If I can do it, anybody can.  If there's
one wish I have, it's that I could really, truly convince midrange
programmers that THEY CAN DO IT!

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