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I am almost certain that V3R2 will not support the H-spec Option keyword.
PTF or no PTF.

However, I believe you can still get the desired results using the compile
command parameter OPTION(*SRCSTMT *NODEBUGIO).  I believe this is available
on V3R2 (this may be a PTF'd upgrade, not sure).  It's been a few years
since I've been on V3R2.

If you do have the command parameters to do that on V3R2, you may want to
consider changing the command defaults so that OPTION(*SRCSTMT *NODEBUGIO)
is the default.  (The usual recommendation: duplicate the command in a
library higher in the system library list and apply your changes to that

- Dan Bale

-----Original Message-----
From: Shrader, Patrick [mailto:pshrader@wkep.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 10:14 AM
To: RPG Mailing List
Subject: H-Spec RPG IV Option PTF

Hey folks!

I am running V3R2, and I am having problems with RPG IV. When a program
ab-ends, the OS/400 debug information shows the compile statement number
that caused the problem. RPG/400 shows the actual source statement
number. This makes it very difficult to debug RPG IV programs. A couple
years ago I received a PTF from IBM that allowed me to key the following
H-Spec option in RPG IV:


This H spec option allowed the system to display the actual line of the
source code that caused the problem, not the compile source.

I have since changed jobs, but the new job is running V3R2, like I was
earlier when I experienced the problem. Can anyone direct me to the
correct PTF number so that the compiler will recognize the above
statement. I recall that the editor still did not like the syntax of the
line, but it would compile. I solved the editor issue by issuing a /copy
command for the offending lines.

Thanks for your help.

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