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I have wanted to try this software now for a long time. But, our Windows admin here won't let us upgrade our windows to the version minimum to be able to install Snip & Sketch. So I have to wait until he finally decides we can upgrade. It's just another one of his power trips.


On 2/28/2020 8:23 AM, Rob Berendt wrote:
I've been using the Windows Snip tool for some time now and have really enjoyed it.
For awhile it's had this thing on it I've been ignoring suggesting something better.
Today I was using Snip when it basically took control of all screens. Our support desk used Dameware to get to it to clear it. Says this happens on occasion. Said this is really annoying when you're in the middle of a WebEx. They suggested I use the new Snip and Sketch instead as it hasn't succumbed to this oddity. It also appears in Windows 10 when you type in Snip on the search bar, just arrow down and select Snip and Sketch instead. It also has the snip in 3 seconds feature which confused me until they explained that it allows you to activate those pull down menus and stuff which always disappeared when you pulled them down and tried to access Snip. My workaround was to just hit Print Screen and paste it into Paint but I'll like that feature better.
Snip and Sketch also has better drawing capabilities than Snip.
Give Snip and Sketch a shot.

Rob Berendt
IBM Certified System Administrator - IBM i 6.1
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