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If it's VB 6 or VB.Net/VB2005, you can access api's to retrieve the
video resolution and other api's to resize all the controls and everything
when someone changes resolution.

Typically, you don't even care about the video resolution itself, just the
dimensions of the form you need to resize. No need to even use APIs for
that. You can just use properties of the form and controls themselves. I
do have some apps where I not only check video resolution though, but also
whether the device is currently in multi-monitor mode and open additional
form(s) and place them on a secondary monitor.

But typically I will just do a save / restore of last used positions, and
dynamically resize controls as the form size changes. What that means for
any given form depends on what type of objects are on the form, and how the
form would benefit from expanded (or contracted) availability.

Also, along those same lines, you can change the user's video resolution at
the time your application runs, and then when they close it, change it
to 800 x 600.

I think I'd detest software that did that automagically on me. I've been
known to setup hot keys to change resolutions quickly (in part for testing),
but any app that wanted to do it better have a preference option to disable


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