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Hi Carmen,

I don't have an answer for you -- I just wanted to suggest that you look for higher temperatures than just '90+' in summer.

I live in Wisconsin, and although 90 is common in summer, it sometimes gets much hotter than. Also, remember, if you plan to keep this in a truck, you'll be looking at the temperature inside the truck, not the temperature outside. On a sunny summer day, a truck with it's windows closed can get MUCH hotter than the outside temperature. Inside my wife's car it was 115 degrees yesterday. And that's not unusual in Wisconsin, especially in July and August.

Just something to consider.

Carmen Nuland wrote:
Does anyone have any recommendations for a laptop that would work good in
the "field"? We're namely looking for something that would travel in the
company truck, so durability is a concern. Long battery life would also be
a consideration (although we could hook up to the power point). I'm also
wondering how a laptop would stand up to temperature extremes (Wisconsin, so
minus temps in winter to 90+ in summer).

Ideally, we'd like to be able to print customer receipts on the spot, so
we're also looking at portable printers. Do these stand up well to being
jostled around (road bumps)?

I'd appreciate any thoughts you might have.

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