× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Isn't there a setting to allow ActiveX with yes or no for an answer?   I
don't see it as being a site-by site choice?

When I browse to a site that requires an ActiveX control, it puts a little bar at the top of the browser window, and I can click a button on that bar to install the control, or do nothing if I don't want to install it.

Once it has been installed the first time, the bar doesn't come back.

This has been the behavior for me with both Internet Explorer 6 and 7. Not sure about earlier releases. Is it different for you?

If you're running Firefox and you come to a page that requires ActiveX, it'll (usually) tell you that you have to run Internet Explorer and that the page doesn't work with Firefox. A few really nice web sites will substitute a Java applet for an ActiveX control, but most sites aren't that nice.

There are some cases where it actually makes sense to use ActiveX. Microsoft's Office Update page, for example. You couldn't really use Java, since applets aren't usually allowed to update programs on your system. Plus, since it's for a Windows product, it's not so painful that you have to run Windows to use it.

But, for many of the sites out there, it's just narrow-minded to use ActiveX. Why limit someone so that they MUST run Windows, and MUST use Internet Explorer? That's narrow-minded and obnoxious. If you use Java instead of ActiveX, they can use any browser on any platform.

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