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I'm guessing you're pip-installing the module to RPM Python, and running
your script with OPS Python (or vice versa). The Python RPMs don't install
a 'python' command, so just running 'python' from the command line runs
OPS python, potentially. You will want to run 'python2' or (more
preferrably) 'python3'. RPMs do install 'pip3'. The coexistence of OPS
and RPM Pythons can get messy, so it may be best to uninstall OPS.
Especially since OPS Python is already past end of life. There are some
migration notes at

So it's highly possible that "pip3 install bottle" installed bottle for
RPM Python, and then "python sample.py" ran OPS Python.

You'll want to set your path as in

So a sequence of events would be:
export PATH
pip3 install bottle
python3 sample.py

Hope this is it!

"OpenSource" <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote on 07/11/2019
12:34:17 PM:

From: "Smith, Mike" <Mike_Smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <opensource@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/11/2019 12:34 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [IBMiOSS] python3 help
Sent by: "OpenSource" <opensource-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I'm trying to experiment with Python a little bit, but I'm running
into a problem.

I'm on V7R3.
I have python 2.7 and python 3 install

I have installed bottle(pip install bottle, and pip3 install bottle)
in both python 2.7 and python3. Mostly because when I installed it
the first time, it installed to 2.7.

I have a small python script named sample.py
from bottle import route, run

host_name = RGT
port_number = 880

def hello():
return "Hello World!"

run (host=host_name,port=port_number, debug=True)

I have this located in a directory named ifstest

I sign in via putty. Navigate to ifstest and run
Python3 sample.py

I can see in Qopnsys/qibm/proddata/python3.4/bin/bottle.py

I get ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bottle'

Any advice to resolve this appreciated.


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