× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

not to dissuade you from using python and assuming you are just generating a UUID in python, there are examples of using GENUUID in RPG.
or SQL


Buck Calabro wrote on 6/1/2018 4:27 PM:
I need to talk to a web service to which I can send and receive files,
search info, and UUIDs. The UUIDs are then used to build a URL that I
hope I can show on a green screen, have staff click and launch the
browser. It uses both POST and GET, and in one of the POST APIs I send
a MIME request that has a binary file, and textual attribute pairs that
look like JSON.

I wrote some proof of concept code in Python - it was surprisingly quick
to do with the requests library. That Python works on my 7.3 machine in

Now, I want to shoehorn that into my existing green screen inquiry
program. I would like to do this:

RPGLE -> search criteria -> Python -> UUID -> RPGLE
RPGLE -> UUID -> Python -> binary file -> RPGLE
RPGLE -> MIME/text/binary file -> Python -> UUID -> RPGLE

Is this a fool's errand?
Should I just learn how to do the equivalent on the green side?

I'm a 40-year RPG programmer, and I felt more comfortable trying this in
Python instead of... I don't even know what options are available on
green screen, and I'm afraid that doing the research to find out will
take longer than proofing it in Python did.

Feels weird, man.

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