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I'd leave it at System Operator and make sure the duties included 
"Other duties as assigned."


Dave B

>>> jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 03/07/2006 11:54:40 AM >>>

Our i5 "System Operator" called in and quit with no notice recently, so
need to hire a replacement.

System Operator is kind of a misnomer.  This is as much a clerical
as it is a computer operator position.  In fact, the position has
LMTCPB(*YES).  The "big function in life" is to run all billing on a
basis, which includes invoices, picking labels, associated reports,
etc, but
"Billing Clerk" doesn't seem to cut it.  But since we're a small office
clerks and an office supervisor), it's the typical
everybody-does-a-little-bit-of-everything now and then.

I'm actually wondering what to call the position.  The work consists
things like:

Running the above mentioned billing
Clerical (like some filing in spare time)
Meter outgoing mail from time to time
Data entry
Mount tapes for backups
Verify backups completed
Paper/ribbon/toner changing on printers
Monitor QSYSOPR message queue
Word & Excel
Various short operations tasks on some server PCs

As you can see, a college educated computer type would be bored and
unchallenged, but the more he/she would understand computers, the
better it
would be.  Do some of you have a similar position?

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