Hello Vance,

Am 12.09.2024 um 00:29 schrieb Vance Stanley via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

When you find a method to access mainframe vsam and flat files from the ibm i please share it with me/the group. I would be paricularly interested in GDG files.

As far as my research has shown, there seems to be no readymade solution, at least for older OS releases on the mainframe side. Also, I don't want to access things on the data set layer, but on the "DB2 layer", so to say.

Apparently I was lured by the comfy, feature-complete and tightly integrated environment of IBM i to assume OS/390 DB2 has a similar facility. That might be wrong, or I'm still missing the needle (how to do a very specific thing) in the haystack (DDM documentation at large).

I've gotten hints about a "Distributed File Manager MVS", and found a PDF describing this facility: SC26-7395-00 "Distributed FileManager Guide and Reference". It explicitly does not support generation data groups (GDG), according to said PDF.

I'll shelve this undertaking being probably way over the top for me.

:wq! PoC

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