Birgitta - this is fantastic... I'm thinking mostly an empty object, as I
will need to condition each field in the object...
but I'll study your options a bit more to help me understand exactly what
my best option may really be.

again this is exactly what I am looking for.

thank you


On Wed, Sep 11, 2024 at 11:44 AM Birgitta Hauser <Hauser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

What do you exactly want?
1. Genearate a JSON_OBJECT if there is a value in your variable and if
is no value (or the value is '') than do not generate any value?
2. Generate an empty Object i.e. {} if there is no value in your varable
add a key value pair if there is any value?

The following statement will only generate an object if there is any value
in your variable:
Values(Case When :YourVar > '' Then JSON_Object(Key 'YourKey' Value
Trim(:YourVar)) Else '' End);

The following Statement will generate an empty object if there is no value
in your variable:
Values(JSON_OBJECT('YourKey' : Case When :YourVar <> '' then Trim(:YourVar)
Absent on NULL));

Note: If Absent on NULL, key values pairs are only included if the value is
not NULL.
Absent on NULL can only be specified once per JSON_OBJECT, so you
have to deal with NULL Vailes (i.e. use the function NULLIF or COALESCE or
case CLAUSE to set a non-NULL value to a NULL value or the inverse.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Birgitta Hauser
Modernization – Education – Consulting on IBM i
Database and Software Architect
IBM Champion since 2020

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-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jay
Sent: Wednesday, 11 September 2024 16:05
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: building dynamic json

I need to only include the json field if there is a field other than blank
associated with that field's value...

for example, I set out trying to solve this by doing...

case when :myVal <> ' '
then key 'myVal'
value trim(:myVal)

... but no go... compiler does not like this.

So on a field by field basis, how can I continue using the sql json
functions but condition which fields should be included in the json?


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