Hello Rob,

Am 06.09.2024 um 18:16 schrieb Rob Berendt <robertowenberendt@xxxxxxxxx>:

You may wish to look at the RPG code ACQ. Basically acquires a workstation
without having to use a sign on screen.
I have never used it.
I believe it's geared towards that kiosk type application.

Again, thanks for that hint!

I wonder how to make this work with dynamic connections (aka telnet). I presume that I need to statically define a device name in the tn5250 client, so I can route incoming requests to a specific SBS. How to continue from here?

The help text for addwse does not provide helpful insight how to bypass the signon screen.

I guess I need a way to connect an incoming interactive session request (generic: could be a hardware terminal, could be SNA, could be telnet) to spawn an application using ACQ to tie to the associated device files. No idea about that. Suggestions welcome.

I have orbited around a somewhat similar topic earlier and started a thread in May 2020 with the subject "Telnet server multiple instances?". The main intention back then was to provide sign-on screens in different languages. Since then I've managed to make this work reliably by relying on device names. And now I remember that I probably should publicly document how I did it.

Larry mentioned 'maintenance in progress' screens and other possibilities in a reply, which seems to match my desired outcome.

Jim Oberholtzer mentioned some example code he wanted to get to me, but I fail to find this mail with his answer.

Hints are very welcome!

:wq! PoC

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