Hello Aaron,

Am 05.09.2024 um 16:01 schrieb Aaron Kuckuk via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Here is what I know
- Old hardware, no issues
- New hardware, SQL "goes nuts" after the IPLs for a few hours then the system seems to fix itself.
- We created permanent indexes which seems to have made the problem better (for now).

I think I'm really looking for a system setting/configuration somewhere in regards to SQL, or MTI's or perhaps IPL settings.

Well, to me it sounds like a classical "cold cache" problem.

I don't have an explanation why this worked better on your former system, though.

I just don't know where to look to see those settings.

Well, you appear to have fixed part of your issues by creating proper indexes. The rest might probably due to (IMHO bad) defaults of system values?

I have documented some provenly good defaults for mostly idle low end systems running older OS releases: https://try-as400.pocnet.net/wiki/Post-Install_Optimizations#System_Values

I think especially the memory allocation stuff applies to newer and actually non-idle systems also, but I have no first-hand experience. So take these with a grain of salt.

:wq! PoC

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