We IPL Frequently. Probably too frequently, but that is a different topic.

We have the same IPL frequence on our old and new hardware, so that hasn't changed.

Our start up QSTRUP process is the same on both our old/new hardware.

Here is what I know
- Old hardware, no issues
- New hardware, SQL "goes nuts" after the IPLs for a few hours then the system seems to fix itself.
- We created permanent indexes which seems to have made the problem better (for now).

I think I'm really looking for a system setting/configuration somewhere in regards to SQL, or MTI's or perhaps IPL settings.
I just don't know where to look to see those settings.


-----Original Message-----
From: MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Aaron Kuckuk via MIDRANGE-L
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2024 8:46 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Aaron Kuckuk <AKuckuk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [External] IPL causing SQL index Issues

We recently swapped out (upgraded) our hardware of our IBM.

Since then, when we IPL, we have jobs that "go nuts" and take up all the CPU in the QUSRWRK Subsytem.
We have to ENDJOB *IMMED them. This continues for a few hours, but after few hours later, this phenomenon stop happening.
These QUSRWKR jobs are created when other systems run SQL over the database.

We are almost positive this is due to the system deleting temporary file indexes when the IPL happens.

We are perplexed as to why did this start happening with the new hardware? Is anyone aware of a system setting or some other place that cause indexes NOT to be deleted as part of an IPL?

We know we can solve this by creation of permanent indexes. However, we have users writing their own queries at any time so we really don't have a way to prevent someone from writing a poorly written query that would just cause this to re-occur.

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