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Hi Stephen,

This is not an answer to your issue, but I'm curious if your Win File Explorer has the option checked to show file name extensions.

In Win File Explorer, the View menu has a Show/Hide section with a check box for "File name extensions".

*Peter Dow* /
Dow Software Services, Inc.
909 793-9050
pdow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx /

On 8/28/2024 7:03 AM, Stephen Coyle wrote:
Hi All,

I have a spreadsheet that with a button push will save the data to a
folder in the IFS as a CSV file.
This works fine for everyone but one particular user.
It doesn't seem to be an authority issue or a connection problem to
the IFS as a file does get saved.
The problem is that for this user the file is saved with a temporary
name and a TMP extension.
For everyone else using this process the file is saved as a CSV and
named correctly.
We then have a job that monitors the IFS folder and processes the file
But that monitor job is looking for a specific filename so the TMP
file is ignored.

I should clarify that the file name and extension look correct within
windows file explorer.

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