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Hello Gad,

Am 27.08.2024 um 13:59 schrieb Gad Miron <gadmiron@xxxxxxxxx>:

Couldn't find this "DB2 for AS/400 Database Programming", SC41-5701

Can you post a link to it?

I don't find a public link anymore.

IBM makes it increasingly hard to find older documentation by throwing away what once has been praised as the "new" central documentation repository.

Someone at IBM UK felt my former public central documentation repository is doing harm to IBM, so he forced me to hide it from the public without any explanation and without a chance to challenge this decision. See https://ibmdocs.pocnet.net <https://ibmdocs.pocnet.net/> for details.

I'm really upset about not been given a chance to talk to someone for finding a mutual agreement. IBM has (had?) great engineers inventing lots of basic stuff we today take for granted, but as a "for profit" company, they're amongst the worst. Noblesse oblige is not a thing with them. As it's with most huge companies.

:wq! PoC

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