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Looks like you do not have the Open-Source packages on your box.

That's a hard requirement for yum to work, plus V7R3 - V7R5.

Richard Schoen
Web: http://www.richardschoen.net
Email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

message: 4
date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 13:07:26 -0700
from: "James H. H. Lampert via MIDRANGE-L"
subject: Re: Who stole my IBM i disk space ?

On 8/14/24 11:48 AM, Richard Schoen wrote:
Check out this page.


It talks about listing to an output file.

I'll update my post once I do a little more research, but check this
out and give it a try and report back.
In your blog page you said:

To install ncdu from the PASE or SSH command line simply type: yum install ncdu

Here's what I got on our cloud V7 box, once I remembered how to *get* a
PASE command line:

> yum install ncdu
/QOpenSys/usr/bin/-sh: yum: not found.

And yum seems to be similarly unavailable on the customer box with the
chronic disk space shortage.

So it looks like for now, at least, it's a non-starter, even if your
idea of directing the output to a file *does* work from a PASE shell.
Anybody know why yum isn't working?

(And yes, as a matter of fact, I had been under the impression that this
was a Midrange utility, rather than a *nix utility.)

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