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Have 1 sftp (we are the client) that still requires a password.
Was failing on initial connection.
Their server key changed last week.
I used ssh-keyscan to get their new key, and copy/paste into known_hosts

Now connecting, but the password code not working

printf "get xxdata.txt\nget xxdata.rpt\nquit\n" | sftp -vvv

I can see the job trying over and over the printf of (assuming) the
password and after 5 minutes of many repetitions, endjob -
nothing in joblog

we are up to date on group ptfs v7r5 (last good run before key change
This has run well since 2021 but this is first key change

Any clues?
Have asked server side (unix system) if they can see us connecting, no
answer yet.
My only change has been the known_hosts record (1st attempt i botched the
copypaste, fixed, and it gets past knowing the host.

My memory of orig setup is fuzzy - do i have to connect manually via
qp2term and accept something on screen?

Jim Franz

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