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date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:36:26 -0400
from: Buck Calabro <kc2hiz@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Group profile has access to non-existent object

On 7/16/2024 8:50 AM, Michael Quigley wrote:
I was verifying access for a user who is leaving our staff so that her
replacement can have the authority she needs. The department head for the
employees asked what access the departing individual had. There's a group
profile for the department so I did a DSPUSRPRF USRPRF({group})
TYPE(*OBJAUT). It lists authority to an object which hasn't been on the
system for almost a year.

How would I go about removing the authority to the object that doesn't

(Trying a RVKOBJAUT command tells me the object doesn't exist.)

Is the object in a *AUTL?


[Michael Quigley]
At first I thought it was in an *AUTL, but no it wasn't

I was able to create a dummy object and revoke the authority and then delete it. If I wasn't so cramped for time, I would have opened a PMR, but this isn't the time.

Thanks for responding!

Michael Quigley
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