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There is the QBNLPGMI API. It could use that instead, but under the covers, I would agree that it's all probably pretty much the same process.

Michael Quigley
Computer Services
The Way international

-----Original Message-----

date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 12:19:50 -0400
from: Jon Paris <jon.paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: IBM Service to provide the same results as DSPPGMREF

I rather suspect that any SQL solution will effectively do the same thing under
the covers.

Jon P.

On Jul 11, 2024, at 10:07?AM, Steve McKay <samckay1@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I pinged Scott Fortie with the original question - he says it's on his
to-do list. I have no idea how long a Scott Forstie to-do list may be . . .

Just to be clear, my "cheating" comment regarding Cozzi's solution was
intended to be light-hearted but it does seem to me that an SQL
solution to replicate DSPPGMREF function that actually uses DSPPGMREF
via QCMDEXC is, in a way, cheating. I'm not saying it doesn't solve
the problem, just that it wasn't the solution I was hoping for.


Steve McKay
(205) 585-8424

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