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+1 on using CPYSPLF this way.

I do wonder, still, where Gio obtained the TIFF2PDF command - there are several products and free applications that include it. My guess is that it is fairly old, and with 7.5, one must definitely check the older stuff for compatibility. He should contact whomever provided TIFF2PDF and see about how it works in 7.5.


On Mon, 17 Jun, 2024 at 10:19 AM, Mark Waterbury <mark.s.waterbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

To: gio.cot via midrange-l


IBM i has supported the ability to directly create PDF files from spool files since V7R1.



On the CPYSPLF command, you can now specify

CPYSPLF ... TOFILE(*STMF) and STMF('/your/IFS/pathname/filename.pdf') WSCST(*PDF)

Can it get any easier than that?

Hope that helps,

Mark S. Waterbury

On Monday, June 17, 2024 at 11:00:36 AM EDT, gio.cot via MIDRANGE-L <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

Hi all

We have migrated to a new IBM i; we use SPL2STMF and then TIFF2PDF cmd to
create PDF from spool. Happend that fro some user, pdf is not created
correct and so is not possibile to pen it with Acrobat.

I have noticed that the .tif is correct created, buti f i try to create the
PDF from the tif , with some users PDF is correct with other users PDF is
not correct.

I have checked autorization and User parameters , but they seems ok ..

What could i check ?

Thanks in advance

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