× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Unlike IBM i, when there are patches to certain cards one has to download
the patches and apply them to the cards directly through a process call
invscout and other stuff.

When you order the fix from Fix Central it will give you an example on how
to get the files directly to them using ftps. What I'm experiencing here
is that our network technician was clueless about the weird port usage in
ftps. And, when he finally started getting an inkling about what was going
on he begged me to seek an alternative. I did some research and found how
to use sftp from the command line in vios and aix.

Basically when you get that Fix Central screen and it shows you a server
like this:
Server: delivery04-bld.dhe.ibm.com
user: yvVrnIwn
password: goonyGooHoo
then you concatenate the user id and the server to make
yvVrnIwn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and then do the following (vios
$ oem_setup_env

# sftp yvVrnIwn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
yvVrnIwn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's password:
Connected to delivery04-bld.dhe.ibm.com.
sftp> ls
sftp> get df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm
Fetching /df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rpm to
/df1000e314101506.00014000020062400006.aix.rp 100% 1071KB 2.7MB/s 00:00

sftp doesn't care about passive and binary is assumed.

I submitted feedback to Fix Central that they need to discard their ftps
example and use sftp as network technicians are impossible to work with.
They're very willing to work with and asked for screen shots, etc

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