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Hello John,

Am 05.06.2024 um 01:58 schrieb John Yeung <gallium.arsenide@xxxxxxxxx>:

Beyond "[write your own] or DBU, or one of the many other commercial utilities available" in the case of replacing DFU, nothing has been offered in this thread.

What about strsql?

I'm using this quite regular, because I speak SQL pretty well. I'm only appalled to use it in my interactive applications, because native DB access is a lot faster on my venerable 150. :-)

SQL also means, I can tuck copy-paste-snippets in a src-pf for runsqlstm or somewhere else on my Mac for direct execution in strsql. All for semi one-shot executions, just as with DFU. I rarely use DFU because "compiling temporary application" is also taking quite a time on my 150.

I know DFU lets you put together a simple PF maintenance application with no programming at all. My Subfile Template application can probably fill this gap. https://github.com/PoC-dev/as400-sfltemplates

:wq! PoC

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