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On Tue, Jun 4, 2024 at 2:28 PM Dan Bale <dan.bale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

We recently updated to ACS and now using Eclipse Adoptium (java version 17.0.9). One of our users is complaining about the font on his green-screen. Someone suggested that Java may affect the fonts, which is news to me. Anyone know for sure?

I don't know for sure, but it strikes me as plausible. One of my
long-standing issues with ACS stems from the fact that fonts somehow
render differently in ACS than they do in other applications (at least
on Windows). The best explanation I've come up with is that in ACS,
Java is doing the font rendering, rather than delegating to the
operating system. If that is correct, then the specific Java in use
could very much affect font rendering.

And, how does one change fonts in the emulator? I looked at this a year ago or so, and it seemed very convoluted compared to what I remember with Client Access for Windows (going waaaay back).

The emulator, straight out of the box, has a selection of available
fonts. Obviously, the simplest thing to try is to look among those
fonts to see if something is acceptable. I'm assuming you and/or your
user do not need help with this.

If the question is how to add a new font, then the answer on Windows
is (as of ACS, apologies if this has changed):

- Find an appropriate downloadable font online, and download it. Get
it in TTF format if possible (works better than OTF, at least for this
- Put that font file into "C:\Users\Public\IBM\ClientSolutions\fonts".
- Restart ACS.

I highly recommend JetBrains Mono NL Medium, which is what I'm using.

I'm happy to discuss ACS fonts further, as it is a pet peeve of mine,
and if some other user is suffering similarly, I want them to know
they are not crazy and not alone!

John Y.

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