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Hello Raul,

Am 20.05.2024 um 18:27 schrieb Raul Alberto Jager Weiler <raul.jager@xxxxxxxxx>:

The scarcity of IP addresses is no problem at all if you go to IPv6.

Not a thing in the early 1990s, which is what I'm referring to to explain why virtual hosting was invented.

There are still internet providers not assigning IPv6 prefixes. There are still some unsolved glitches with IPv6 in SOHO environments with multiple internet providers/access technologies, and prefixes in the same LAN segment. Add a IPv4 VPN tunnel and split DNS and you'll have lots of fun.

And, IPv6 doesn't help reaching IPv4 only servers.

While I do see the long term need for IPv6 but given the fact that adoption got traction no earlier than 2010, I'm very cautious with predictions about IPv6.

I did site-wide deployments on my former and current employer.

IPv6 works wonderful in the i now that they discarded the "Happy eyeballs" protocol that caused delays when IPv6 is enabled.

What is this "Happy eyeballs" protocol?

:wq! PoC

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