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Le 30/06/2023 à 17:21, Sam_L a écrit :
Forgive my ignorance, I'm not a networking expert. So you are saying it will work only on an internal network (or if VPNing in)?

This is just an assumption on my side: could it be that the process on server's side initiates a connection to a specific port on client's side?

If this is the case, indeed, when you connect from home to PUB400 (or any direct internet system), usually you are using some kind of NAT router, and the connection from the server's IP to the client's IP requires some kind of ports forwarding on this router. This is not needed when using a VPN.

I do not find any document which describes the behavior of the system debugger about this specific topic.

You coud run a short test to try to track this behavior.

1-retrieve the IP address of your device as seen by PUB400 (this is the REMOTE_ADDRESS of select * from qsys2.netstat_job_info where authorization_name = 'LENNONS' SQL statement)

2-run a netstat output for only your IP address for all but ESTABLISHED TCP-STATE SELECT * FROM QSYS2.NETSTAT_INFO where REMOTE_ADDRESS = 'yourIP' and TCP_STATE <> 'ESTABLISHED'

If you see a connection in this list (maybe with TCP-STATE SYN-SENT), take a snapshot. It means that indeed the server tries to start a connection to your device.

Again, this is only an assumption.

I'm starting the System Debugger from iACS Run SQL Scripts, do you know what is the blocking factor that causes it to fail on PUB400? Is it an IBM restriction that they know about our could fix? Could PUB400 fix it?


On 6/30/2023 1:22 AM, Birgitta Hauser wrote:
It is because you do not have an VPN to PUB400!
Accessing the System Debugger directly from the Web does not work! ... I
have a similar problem!

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