× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

It's extremely difficult to help you because you tend to ramble and refer back to previous messages. Remember that most people on the list have full time jobs and are volunteering their help and may not have time to troll back through your original messages.

I assume that you are brand new to the IBM i, so let me make a couple of suggestions:

1. Learn to prompt commands using the F4 key.
2. F1 gives you context sensitive help when prompting with F4.
3. Read the function keys at the bottom of the screen when prompting with F4. (especially F9 and F10 to see all possible parameters.)
4. Shows us the exact command you entered. YOu'll find it easier to cut and paste if you first do CALL QCMD and enter you command there instead of from a command line.
5. Think about trimming some of the quoted stuff at the end of your replies.


On 6/25/2023 7:23 AM, tim ken wrote:

I just noticed there was one object already present with the name
'CALLSTACK' in my library K211 so based on previous error message
description i just deleted that object , however i was thinking this error
should not have appeared because member's name is unique still i tried by
deleting 'CALLSTACK' object from my library k211 and retried this command
and this time i changed CALLSTACK2 name to CALLSTACK same like from object
name then also got below error:-

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