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Le 08/11/2022 à 18:29, Patrik Schindler a écrit :
Hello Marc,

Hi Patrick

Am 08.11.2022 um 17:59 schrieb Marc Rauzier<marc.rauzier@xxxxxxxxx>:

I am not aware of such a system driven capability. In the past, I used a data-area to store MOTD and a display file inside users initial program to show the content of this data-area and request the user to hit Enter to continue. This is not exactly the behavior of MOTD on Unix/Linux based systems but it was accepted. You have also to have a small tool to update the data-area content. You can include some message validity date/time window as well.
Thanks, this is a helpful hint: To know there's no such thing. I strongly want to have this message display as unobtrusive as possible, just a mere replacement of the usual copyright message in the INLMNU after signon. But still be visible. And it should be done without tweaking user profiles. If a user already has an initial startup program, things will quickly become… hairy to handle.

I am thinking to another way to proceed without changing any user profile setting. You can use the program set in the routing entry of the interactive subsystem. Most of the time, this program is QSYS/QCMD but you can set your own program to do what you want. Tha action of QSYS/QCMD is to call the INLPGM, if there is one, and then to display the INLMNU, if there is one, of the user profile (or to SIGNOFF). I dealt in the past with a similar tip for batch subsystem routing entries (in order to manage ownership authority adoption for batch jobs).

You could try for this QSYS/QCMD replacement program in the routing entry to send the message you are talking about. I do not know how the copyright message is sent, we can only see in the joblog that it is an informational message (not coming from a message file) sent to QSYS/QUIMGFLW program from itself. Maybe you can try to send your MOTD to this program before going to the menu. I never tried this and don't know if it works as the to-program is not yet in the call stack (after reading the SNDPGMMSG command help, I am not really optimistic).

However, if you fail with your idea, you can still use mine to display a data-area content with a routing entry program, so without any change on the user profile.

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