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Have you tried Verify Connection in ACS?

date: Sun, 17 Jul 2022 12:58:50 -0400
from: Jon Paris <jon.paris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Diagnosing ACS Connection issues

I am running a series of remote classes for a client and they are unable
to connect via ACS.

I am convinced that it is a firewall issue at their end and they are
equally convinced that it is not.

Here's the scenario.

Fire up ACS and it asks for user Id and pw. Connection appears to be made
and green screen appears but never connects.

From the same location users who have installed Code for IBM i can use the
5250 terminal in that to sign on. Trouble is that terminal is (to be
polite) pretty horrible and not really practical to work with for a group
trying to learn the basics of IBM i.

Any suggestions on what tooling I can ask them to run to attempt to
identify the blockage?

Is there another terminal option that would utilize the same connection as
Code for IBM i (assumedly SSH) as its communication vehicle?

I was hoping that their firewall restriction might be related to only
permitting secure connection ports so I've tried to get my ACS running with
SSL but sadly that was a miserable failure and the error messages make so
sense to me so I've abandoned even trying that for now.

Any thoughts ?

Jon P.

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