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Hello Michael,

Am 24.05.2022 um 20:52 schrieb Michael Quigley <MichaelQuigley@xxxxxxxxxx>:

We recently set up and are using a Linux partition hosted by our IBM i. I'm wondering if there's anything we should do to gracefully bring down the Linux box other than VRYCFG CFGOBJ({nwsd-name}) CFGTYPE(*NWS) STATUS(*OFF). This seems to work, but I'm wondering if there's something else or better I should be doing.

I don't think VRYCFG shuts down an LPAR, but just the storage connection. Which is somewhat bad for Linux. At least that's what I've learned with an E4A running IBM i 7.2. (IBM i in a secondary LPAR tries indefinitely until you vary on again.)

Personally, I prefer to have a direct root login on each and every Linux instance I manage via ssh key for administrative purposes. So a simple

ssh root@dstmachine "shutdown -h now"

from my management Linux-Machine initiates a graceful shutdown.

I don't know if doing a shutdown via HMC or similar LPAR-controlling means initiates a proper shutdown for each and every flavor of Linux. Didn't test that. I think this doesn't work for anything else than IBM blessed RHL and maybe SuSe. My example works for each and every Linux flavor reachable by ssh, no matter where it runs eventually, while I think RHL and SuSe have some hooks to trigger a shutdown externally, just like the vmware tools daemon on ESXi enables to trigger a shutdown externally on that platform.

:wq! PoC

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