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On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 8:39 AM Greg Wilburn
<gwilburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You stated that the resolution of a TV is as good as a monitor.
I was simply pointing out that it is not.

Well, there are several common uses of the term "resolution" and you
seem to have chosen a different one than I was talking about.

I did indicate the kind of resolution I meant, with both a precise
definition AND sufficient context to figure out what I was talking
about. And I did that purposely, because I knew different people would
gravitate toward different meanings of the word "resolution".

Here is the full quote of the relevant paragraph again:

The resolution will absolutely not be an issue. TVs and dedicated
computer monitors tend to have the same range of available resolutions
(in terms of the number of pixels). So a green-screen on a TV will
simply be a bigger-but-viewed-from-farther-away version of what you
see on a regular computer monitor.

I hope it is clear upon reading the whole paragraph that I was talking
about the number of pixels.

More importantly, I hope it was clear that I was trying to address
OP's question (which did use the word "resolution" but ultimately was
asking "will it be good enough for my use case").

John Y.

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