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Been corresponding with some DCM friends at IBM today.   Right now there isn't a way through DCM to automatically renew certificates.  However, if you have a manual method of reminding you to renew and then renew the certificate manually, you can use the "renew" feature in the old DCM to renew the certificate.  The easiest way, for me at least, is to continue to use the original CSR that DCM generated when you requested the certificate in the first place.  Renewing every time with the same CSR allows you to just take the "renew" option in the old DCM and point to where in the IFS the renewed certificate resides.

In the new DCM, if you are using the same CSR, you take the "import" option (not the renew option on the "View Certificate" page) and just import the renewed certificate.  Again, the caveat is that you are using the original CSR for the certificate. Remember that IF you want generate a NEW CSR, then you add one renewal step of first generating and copying in the CSR and then requesting the renewal on the cert (all manual) and then import the certificate (in the new DCM) or use the "Renew" step in the old DCM.

There are semi-automated methods using LetEncrypt or other ACME based clients as well.  Jesse Gorzinski has a project in github: https://github.com/ThePrez/DCM-tools  ; There are also some PASE utilities that can leverage LetEncrypt.  I am trying to complete a project that makes the renewal fully automatic in DCM.   Just have to sort out my  issues with the renewal API.....

Pete Helgren
GIAC Secure Software Programmer-Java
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
Twitter - Sys_i_Geek IBM_i_Geek

On 4/4/2022 2:41 PM, Greg Wilburn wrote:
Just wondering the best/easiest way to handle keeping CA certificates renewed/current.

I thought in the old DCM there was a way to auto-renew, or at least click a button to renew the CA?

[Logo]<https://www.totalbizfulfillment.com/> Greg Wilburn
Director of IT
301.895.3792 ext. 1231
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