× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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In 35 years of coding RPG I have never seen this happen; with or without commitment control. Whenever we found a problem with a record being locked, it always turned out to be an error in the code.

I suggest you remove the UNLOCKs and try to find out what really was the problem.

Joep Beckeringh

Op 23 feb. 2022, om 13:57 heeft Patrik Schindler <poc@xxxxxxxxxx> het volgende geschreven:


Am 22.02.2022 um 20:45 schrieb x y <xy6581@xxxxxxxxx>:

When the record is held during the editing process, it's using "pessimistic locking". "Optimistic locking" occurs when the lock exists only when the changes are committed to the database; this approach generally requires much more effort to implement because the update program has to determine if a change (from another process) to the data occurred while the data was being edited. The application logic to track dependencies between columns can add another level of complication to a program.


In addition, I have found that after acquiring a lock on a record with some flavor of READ, or CHAIN, after being done with that record (UPDATE), I must add an explicit UNLOCK into my code, or the record stays locked. I observed this behavior *without* commitment control. I don't know if this behavior changes then commitment control is in effect. I'm still at the beginning with experimenting.

:wq! PoC

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