× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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We have stumbled over a problem and I am curious how it is normally handled.

The libraries in our environments have different names based on the
environment. For example, the libraries for dev testing might be DATADEV1,
DATADEV2, etc. while the library for user testing might be DATAUSR1,
DATAUSR2, etc.

When there is source to create stored procedures, views, etc., how do
companies deal with the varying library names when they need to be included
in the definition because they are not part of the normal library list?

I'm also curious about how packages like Turnover, Aldon, etc. handle this
if anyone knows that.

I know there are better ways to handle this by "fixing" the environment
library lists and such but I can't turn the barge with an oar so the
environment is what it is and I have to work within the current parameters.

Thanks in advance for any insight you can provide.

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