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A VIEW is a kind of LF, yes, that has a SELECT statement. But I've never tried reading one in CL, so I tried it. And it worked - the field variables had values. This was with a view I created.

So I tried OUTQ_INFO, and it also worked - EVAL &OUTQ had the value '??QPRINT' - that is a VARCHAR, so the ?? is the length in 2 bytes.

This was on a 7.4 box.

Now I had used ALWGRAPHIC(*YES) the first time, thinking I'd cover the waterfront - esp. if there were a Unicode field - but I don't think OUTQ_INFO has one - DSPFFD didn't say there was one.

But I then ran it without ALWGRAPHIC - it was just fine.

So I don't know why you aren't getting fields filled - now I didn't use the override - not sure what that is doing in your case.


On 2/14/2022 4:19 PM, a4g atl wrote:
I am using the system view OUTQ_INFO in a program.
Monmsg CPF0000 GOTO END

The program is reading records but the field values are not available in
the program.

What am I missing?

TIA, Darryl Freinkel.

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